Provider FAQs

What types of conditions does RightMove treat?

RightMove can help with a variety of orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions such as joint, tendon, bone, and muscle injuries and pain. RightMove can support injury prevention and conduct functional assessments to build strength, flexibility to improve overall balance and mobility.  

How can the Physical Therapist assess a patient’s issue without physically touching them?

Through a thorough subjective exam and an evidence based objective examination based off HSS methodology, our therapist will be able to determine injury and appropriate plan of care. 

How is RightMove different from other Virtual Physical Therapy providers?

RightMove is powered by Hospital for Special Surgery, the world's leading academic medical center for MSK health. Founded in 1863, HSS has been ranked #1 for orthopedics nationwide since 2010, and worldwide since 2021. RightMove specializes in helping patients move better, for life. We help by identifying the root cause of their pain and provide a personalized action plan to help them get back to a pain free life. Whether it is a new ache or a long-term issue, we are here to give your patients the information, resources, support, and stay with them every step along the way.  

What is the patient experience?

Once a patient is referred, they can begin registration right away. The patient answers a few questions to create a RightMove account, and then they can schedule their virtual appointment with a RightMove doctor of physical therapy. Their initial appointment is a 45-minute, live, virtual clinical assessment which consists of a conversation between patient and DPT and a few physical exam exercises to better understand the root cause of pain. Once completed, the DPT will share a personalized care plan tailored to the patient's specific needs. 

What does a patient need for their first appointment?

  • A computer with a camera, good audio, and stable internet.  

  • The device’s camera should face away from a direct light source, and in a position that captures the entire body. 

  • A quiet, private location that has space to move around and is well lit. 

  • Comfortable, loose fitting exercise clothing.  

  • If available, a chair, exercise mat and resistance bands  

What if the patient needs to be referred outside of RightMove for treatment?

If RightMove’s DPT determines that a patient requires a higher level of care, we will work with the referring provider and patient to create a smooth transition to a preferred high value care network.

I have heard the term FirstMove™, what is that?

FirstMove™ is an expert live clinical assessment where patients meet virtually with a live Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) to conduct a thorough clinical assessment of their condition based off RightMove methodology. This includes understanding medical history, assessing pain, and analyzing movement to pinpoint the root cause of discomfort. 

Why use virtual physical therapy versus traditional, in-person care?

According to recent research studies performed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), patients demonstrated increased satisfaction working in virtual physical therapy versus in person.  Along with satisfaction, they showed increased attendance to their therapy sessions and increased adherence to the home exercise program, resulting in overall improved outcomes. There will be times when in- person physical therapy is necessary, however, these recent studies shows virtual physical therapy is as effective as the traditional in- person therapy for the appropriate patient.

What patients would not be appropriate for virtual physical therapy?

Patients that should not be seen for virtual physical therapy include any patients that are of a falls risk, have high levels of disability, high levels of pain, and any patients that are in need of manual therapy (passive range of motion, joint mobilizations, and soft tissue). Outside of this criterion, it is the physician's discretion based on the patient profile, whether they would benefit from virtual versus in person physical therapy. For example, a patient who is fearful of getting covid 19 would be suitable for virtual, but a person who does not use technology would be more appropriate for in person care. 

What are some of the benefits of using virtual physical therapy and RightMove?

Some of the benefits of virtual physical therapy include: 45 minutes one- on- one time with a live, experienced physical therapist,  increased independence of the patient throughout their treatment, convenience of having physical therapy from their home (which leads to saving money and time on travel), and being able to have their function assessed in their own environment.